Thursday, July 12, 2012

Summer Vacation, Part 2

(This activity actually came before Seven Peaks, but I'm posting out of order - oh well.)

Adventure #2 - Family History Family Night

My younger sister, Linda, has spent many years working on family history, so we persuaded her to impart some of her ancestral knowledge to the rest of us (mostly for the benefit of the kiddos). We saw photos of and examined books and clothing that belonged to various ancestors.

Linda showing the kids our family tree.

Comparing a hand-sewn pioneer era dress to Kaylee (the owner was an adult when she wore this dress.)

Ashlyn modeling my maternal grandfather's Navy pea coat and hat.


  1. That sounds like a lot of fun - and with visual aids! I will have to suggest the visuals part to my family next time my Mom's sisters plan a family history night (Interesting, but a tad bit snore-inducing).
