Sunday, July 22, 2012

Adventure #7 (the final one of our vacation) - SLC

The girls and I, along with my mom and sister, spent some time up in Salt Lake City the day before we returned home to Texas.

We started out at the Museum of Church History and Art. We went specifically to see the children's Book of Mormon exhibit, but we also really enjoyed the Presidents of the Church exhibit.

Admiring the Angel Moroni statue - same size as the ones that are placed on top of each temple.

Wooden dolls to dress in the children's exhibit.

Costumes for dancing in the children's exhibit.

Examining the model of the Salt Lake temple in the South Visitor's Center at Temple Square.

I wanted to get a picture of the girls in front of the temple, but the sun was too bright, so they didn't want to look at me. I had to settle for a picture of them gazing at the temple.

And finally, visiting Grandpa at his office on the 18th floor of the Church Office Building. He also took us to lunch downstairs in the cafeteria. Thanks, Grandpa!

And the following day . . . home to Texas and Daddy (who had returned a few days previous).


  1. So glad to have you visit. We have fond memories of you and your cute family here.

  2. So much fun! the picture of the girls looking at the Temple is awesome still! I've always watned ot work for the church :) Your dad is cool :)
