Saturday, January 4, 2014


I'm really behind on my posts, so here are pictures from, like, everything leading up to Christmas. :)

We were very careful about the placement of our ornaments this year (putting anything fragile out of McKell's reach), and I think we survived the season without any casualties. 
We attended a community event in the park that included a sledding hill. Who knew you could go sledding in Texas?!
Brenna was VERY excited to perform some holiday songs with her preschool class.
McKell loves purses and jewelry and all things girly.
And she's getting really tall. This is a problem.
She climbs on the table all the time now. Which is another problem.
But she's really cute. And I really like her.
Here's Ashlyn sitting on Santa's lap at our Ward Christmas Party. Surprisingly, she couldn't think of anything to say when he asked her what she wanted for Christmas.
Kaylee asked Santa for a dog. Keep dreaming.
Brenna declined to sit on Santa's lap, but let him know she wanted an iPad for Christmas (which she did NOT get, by the way. We did get new tablet as a family gift though). 
This was Ashlyn's last Sunday with her FAVORITE primary teacher, Sister Zollinger. She's going to be a really tough act to follow.
McKell and I got to join Brenna for her preschool Christmas party on the 20th.
Her cupcake had some REALLY green frosting on it.
I don't know what this face is, but it's pretty funny.

Here's Brenna outside her classroom with the self-elf she decorated.
Here's Kaylee playing a marshmallow game with her friend Miranda at their class Christmas party. 
A few days before Christmas Ashlyn spent some time making gingerbread puppets and coming up with an *entertaining* little show for all of us to watch. :)