Friday, January 31, 2014

Brenna, Brenna Birthday Girl

Brenna has been waiting to have a birthday and turn 4 for about 6 months now. The day finally came!

She continues to hold on to green as her favorite color, so Russ and I decorated the house all in green after she went to bed Monday night. 

Russ took her out for breakfast donuts in the morning.
Then we let her open 1 gift. Kaylee and Ashlyn gave her a Snow White doll.
We all wore green shirts in her honor.
She picked Cici's Pizza for her birthday dinner.
She requested a "Green B" birthday cake this year.
We ordered this playhouse a week in advance, but there were some shipping issues and it barely arrived in time (as in, the box was sitting in our doorstep when we returned from the restaurant.) It will eventually be an outside toy, but we set it up inside for now, while it's still pretty chilly.
This gift was probably more for me than for Brenna, but we got her some vinyl wall stickers to decorate her room.
I think it turned out really cute.

We LOVE our beautiful Brenna!!!


  1. I like the green theme. Brenna is adorable. I am glad you could celebrate so well.

  2. I love that picture by the playhouse. So cute.

  3. Great job Anne!! Happy Birthday Brenna!!
