The girls (except for McKell) went back to school on Monday. Hooray!
They were all super excited and each of them had a great week. :)
Here are the classic back-to-school pictures (meet the teacher night and first day):
I LOVED the teacher Brenna had last year and am still really, really, really sad she decided to retire. Hopefully she'll do well with her new teacher, Mrs. Rogers. |
Ashlyn (1st Grade) is in Mrs. Wilder's class. This is the teacher Ashlyn was hoping for and I have only heard wonderful things about her. I think Ash will have a great year. |
Kaylee (3rd Grade) is in Mrs. Sommer's class. This is also the teacher Kaylee was hoping for. She was new to the school last year, but this year she's the veteran in 3rd grade since the other 3 teachers are brand new. Mrs. Sommer is Kaylee's homeroom teacher, but halfway through the day the students switch teachers, so Kaylee has Mrs. Rhame in the afternoons. |
Miss Brenna is riding the bus to preschool this year, so she actually leaves the earliest. (I'm still picking her up at the end of the day - which for her is around 11:00 AM.) |
I can hardly stand to have this one growing up so quickly! |
Don't you love the shoes Ashlyn picked out this year? Bright and fun, just like her! |
Hopefully this doesn't make me a terrible mother, but I am so glad everyone is back in school! They are all really thriving with a more set schedule and being back in a classroom environment. Kaylee doesn't get bored any more, Ashlyn doesn't get in trouble nearly as often, Brenna whines less (probably due to the fact that she's getting better naps now that the house is quiet in the afternoon), and McKell is napping better as well. I like that I can get all the pressing stuff (showering, doing dishes, prepping dinner, cleaning) done while kiddos are napping, and when they're awake and/or home from school I feel like I can focus more on THEM.
They are all adorable. Thanks for posting. And you are a great mother. Most moms are better moms when they get a little break and a few minutes alone during nap time.