Friday, May 3, 2013

For 2 hours a day

Brenna gets to look like a pirate!

But, hopefully no one will "want to see how tough" she is now.


  1. When you get married, you have children.
    When you have children, they get eye patches.
    When your children get eye patches, you get silly.
    When you get silly, you post links to silly commercials.
    When you post links to silly commercials, Papa can't resist posting silly comments.
    When Papa can't resist posting silly comments, you're sorry you gave him access to your blog...

  2. Nate had an eye patch for a while about her age. She looks so cute. I hope she doesn't mind wearing it. Love you all

  3. Cutest little pirate ever! And I loved the link to the commercial. I'd never seen that one. I bet you and Brenna are glad it's only two hours a day.

  4. That made me laugh. Go Brenna! My youngest sister wore a patch for a long time. She got special ones with castles and unicorns on them. But it was all the time, not just two hours. I think two hours is probably plenty.

    Anne, your girls always look so put together. I love that and want to be more like you.
