Friday, October 28, 2011

Our Kids Say Funny Things

Example #1:

Situation - Ashlyn (4 1/2) came home from preschool and screamed loudly (a common occurrence for her) because she was upset that I left something in the car.

Brenna (21 mos.): She's crying.
Me: She's angry.
Brenna: I'm angry, too. Ahhhhhhhh!

Example #2:

Situation - My Mom sent 3 stuffed animals (pig, cow, and sheep) in a package for the girls. Ashlyn was the only one home and awake when the package arrived, so she chose the pig for herself. When Brenna woke up Ashlyn tried to give her the sheep, but Brenna was only interested in the pig. Ashlyn tried to give her the cow, which was not rejected as strongly as the sheep had been, but she was still mainly interested in the pig. Ashlyn, in a rare moment of benevolence, voluntarily gave Brenna the pig and took the sheep for herself.

Me: Ashlyn, I'm really proud of you for giving Brenna the toy that you wanted. Doesn't it feel nice to do something good like that?!
Ashlyn: Yeah! I beed like Jesus! I finally learned! I did it! (She then proceeded to explain how Kaylee would now be the one to get in trouble all the time, because, apparently, Kaylee has not yet figured out how to be like Jesus.)


  1. I'm glad Ashlyn has life all figured out now. She's kind of my hero.

  2. Love it! And all three of your cute little girls.
