Here's our list of doctor appointments, dentist appointments, and other medical tests for (basically) the month of April:
3/31 Dentist - Russ, Anne
4/01 Pediatric Orthopedic Specialist (in Temple, TX) - Brenna
4/07 EEG - Brenna
4/13 Ophthalmologist - Brenna
4/14 Dentist - Kaylee, Ashlyn, Brenna, McKell
4/15 Pediatric Neurologist (in Temple, TX) - Brenna
4/23 Doctor - Anne
4/28 Dentist - Anne
5/01 MRI - Brenna
I really hope we're done for a while.
(But my calendar says we're not - Dentist for Ashlyn 5/07 and for Brenna 5/13. Sigh.)
Hope your deductible is all paid up. Glad you can have good medical care.