Sunday, May 31, 2015

Mini Olympics

Ashlyn participated in her gymnastics Mini Olympics on Saturday, May 16th. She has really progressed a lot this year and she LOVES doing gymnastics. If she's not cartwheeling around the house nowadays, she's probably sleeping or sick.

Balance Beam

Floor Exercise


Preschool Graduation

Miss Brenna had preschool graduation Friday, May 15th. She was adorable and did a great job. We're so proud of our graduate!

Each of the children read a page from the "Dick and Jane" books they've been using this year.

Brenna and her "boyfriend", Paul

Piano Recital

Kaylee's spring piano recital was in early May. She did awesome, as usual.
She was recognized for getting a superior rating at the February solo festival and also received a gold medal for scoring above 98% on the fall theory test.

(I was wrestling with McKell while trying to do the videos, 
so the camera work is really, REALLY bad.)

One of the 2 pieces she memorized for the solo festival

Duet with another student
(too big for blogger, so here's the YouTube link)

Monday, May 4, 2015

What a month

Here's our list of doctor appointments, dentist appointments, and other medical tests for (basically) the month of April:

3/31   Dentist - Russ, Anne
4/01   Pediatric Orthopedic Specialist (in Temple, TX) - Brenna
4/07   EEG - Brenna
4/13   Ophthalmologist - Brenna
4/14   Dentist - Kaylee, Ashlyn, Brenna, McKell
4/15   Pediatric Neurologist (in Temple, TX) - Brenna
4/23   Doctor - Anne
4/28   Dentist - Anne
5/01   MRI - Brenna

I really hope we're done for a while.

(But my calendar says we're not - Dentist for Ashlyn 5/07 and for Brenna 5/13. Sigh.)