Friday, February 1, 2013

Birthday Girl Brenna

Our beautiful Brenna turned THREE on Monday!
Her day began with a donut date with Dad.

 My parents (and grandma) came to town for the occasion, so Brenna got to choose a special activity to do with them while the older girls were at school. It was a nice day so they ended up at the park (hooray for January in Texas!) 

After Brenna's chosen dinner of breakfast burritos, it was time for presents. Kaylee and Ashlyn were very "helpful" as she unwrapped everything.

Here she is with her new dolly. Kaylee and Ashlyn received similar dolls for their birthdays last June, and Brenna has basically been asking for one ever since then.

She requested a "Snow White" cake this year, so I thought it would be fun to attempt one of the "insert Barbie doll into skirt made from cake" creations. I was really happy with the way it turned out. :) (Do you like our candle holders? I didn't want to stick them directly into the cake, so my Mom shoved them into Starburst candies instead.)

And here's a picture of Brenna on her first day of school. Yes, I said SCHOOL. Crazy, huh? She has been receiving therapy services in our home for the past two years, but that program ends when a child turns 3. At that point the child is handed over to the school district. After going through the evaluation process, Brenna was qualified for placement in a preschool inclusion classroom (meaning she's in a classroom with traditional students and a general ed teacher, but also a special ed teacher to help with her unique needs). She also works with therapists directly while she's there. So, now she's in school 3 hours a day, and she is LOVING it. 

Brenna's Favorites:
color - green
toy - baby dolls
princess - Snow White
clothes - any dress
TV show - "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood"


  1. She is such a sweet girl. We are happy she loves her new school.

  2. She's super cute. And the cake looks awesome!
