Wednesday, September 12, 2012

This and That - in random order

Baby McKell is doing well and growing fast. When babies are born they lose some of their body weight, so they end up leaving the hospital at a lower weight than when they were born. Ideally, they will return to at least birth weight by their two week check-up. McKell was 7 lbs 7 oz at birth, 6 lbs 15 oz when discharged from the hospital, and up to a whopping 8 lbs at her two week doctor visit. A+ for weight gain! No other issues to report at this point either.

Big sister Brenna has gotten the raw end of the deal this time around - having to adjust to a new baby at the same time her two older sisters/playmates returned to school full time. She's been a lot more moody and ornery than ever before, but is beginning to get used to this new normal. She does love McKell though and frequently asks, "Where's that baby?"

 Ashlyn decided it was time to chop her hair, and here's the result. Super cute length for her, and SO easy to keep it looking nice. Random side note, after her hair was cut I went up to the cash register at the salon to pay and was informed that some lady who had just left had paid for Ashlyn's cut. Hopefully she just thought Ashlyn was really cute, and not that I was some poor single mother who could use a hand-out (if the latter, I'll have to work harder to be more presentable when going out in public).

Russ has been extra good about helping out at home and taking on extra jobs - like painting fingernails - since McKell was born. (P.S. Brenna is in the buff only because Russ thought it would be easier to get stray polish off her skin than off her clothes.)

My parents came to stay with us for a week, which was super wonderful. They cooked, they cleaned, they shopped, they played, the rocked - basically they just took really good care of all of us they whole time they were here. Best. Parents. Ever!!!

Still lots of baby love going on around here.

And here's our new little princess - Sunday 09 September 2012.


  1. O, Whataburger, how I miss thee! In-N-Out, while also a regional compound-word hamburger joint with great fries & shakes, just doesn't have enough options to satisfy my soul. No bacon, 32 oz shakes, or A1 Thick & Hearty lo these three and counting Californian seasonless years.

    Oh, and McKell is cute, too.

  2. Glad to hear that Brenna is adjusting. Ashlyn does look adorable with that haircut. Loved being there with all of you--it has been hard adjusting back. Love you all.

  3. Love it all!! I am a little disappointed McKell doesn't have the baby Brenna hair:) Just kidding...she is adorable, just ike all the rest! We sure do miss you!! Barrett randomly said the other day, "I miss Russ." Congrats on the beautiful family!

  4. Your girls are just too cute!! I love the description of the "new normal!" I think that perfectly describes when you have a big change and you are all getting used to how life is now! You are so amazing - I miss you!! I think of you every time we read the "Morris" books - which is often!! :)

  5. Good for Russ! I love that painting nails pictures. I keep reminding myself that Lyds would love it if I painted her nails, but I'm not sure that I want to try... A friend of mine paints her daughters nails in the tub, stripped down to a diaper. Love seeing your girls!
