Sunday, November 6, 2011

Now I know my ABCs . . .

Kaylee, who is in 1st Grade, loves to write. This week she tried her hand at poetry.

a Poum
by Kaylee
to Mcai

Your eyes make me happy
your face makes me sad
but most your my frend.

She also wrote her Christmas list:

My list of toys

a Barbie
a glob (globe)
a baby doll
a fansy Nansy stuft animal
some frout (fruit)
a seedeed (CD)
an xBox game
some candee
a crismus move (Christmas movie)
some play flowrs
a witr jacit (winter jacket)
some mrcrs (markers)
a dessup (dress-up)
a sckrt (skirt)
a Pinkalishis book
a culring book (coloring)
a ballriena move (ballerina movie)
a viteo game
a ceereis Garj meoosick (Curious George music)
some witr shoos (winter shoes)
a crismis Holly Kidy (Christmas Hello Kitty)
a amaraca book (America book)


  1. That's some pretty creative spelling. What kind of seeded does a 6-yr-old want? And what exactly is an 'America book'?

    Also, I would like to point out asking for fruit for Christmas isn't really normal.

  2. Thanks for the post. She does a great job and we love her list.

  3. I love this stage of emergent readers/writers! It is so fun to see how their brain is thinking of each word...take a picture of her list or just save it. Precious.
