August 22nd was the first day of school for all 4 girls. We're 3 weeks into the school year now and life feels SO BUSY! The length of the school day was increased throughout the district, which means Ashlyn and Brenna are getting home later. And Kaylee is in middle school now, and riding a bus, so she gets home way later than she used to. We're adjusting to our new normal though.
McKell is in preschool 3 mornings per week. She enjoys school, especially recess. :)
Brenna is a big 1st Grader now. She was pretty excited to find out she would have Mrs. Potts for a teacher, since Ashlyn had her previously and raved about how great she is.
Ashlyn is in 4th grade, and since the district is doing some re-alignment next fall, this will be her last year at the elementary school. She has Ms. Endsley for homeroom, but gets to rotate between all 3 of the 4th grade teachers each day. She has had all good things to say about her teachers so far, and I'm crossing my fingers for a great year!
And here's Kaylee, our grown-up 6th grader. She has felt somewhat overwhelmed with the number of classes and teachers to keep track of, and stressed by the longer school day which means less time for homework and studying. She's doing great though, and already got perfect scores on several of her exams.